A lovely 3-tiered tray w/ a delicious selection of warm scones served w/ devon shire cream, lemon curd & jam. An assortment of finger sandwiches canapes & a seasonal petite sour de jour or salad, finished w/ a luscious dessert. Accompanied by your choice of tea, two selections per table
14.95 per person
Groups of six or more will he served afternoon tea.
Pear sparkler served during dessert 3.95
9.95 per person
Dessert, soup de jour or salad may be added 3.95
Cram Tea
Cram Tea
Sandwich Tea
Sandwich Tea
Lavender Iced Tea
Pot of Tea
pot of French pressed coffee 4.75
Pear sparkler 3.95
A variety of gourmet black, green, white, herbal & rooibos teas are available. Teas may be purchased upon request.
Tea Parlor Hours
Wednesday Sunday
Gift Shop Hours
Wednesday Sunday
Groups & Private Parties
Bridal teas. Baby teas, special occasion teas, birthday teas. Up to 20 persons.
Event Tea
Holiday teas, tea tastings & other special events will be scheduled throughout the year.
Sfrutta tutte le potenzialità del sito di Sluurpy specializzato sui menù, pensato per i professionisti del gusto, a un prezzo di lancio!
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