Single-origin coffees are those that are not blended & come from a specific growing region or area. Though coffees might share similar characteristics, even the slightest difference in growing altitude, climate, harvesting or processing conditions can account for flavor differences. For the purist, single-origin coffees reveal the essence of what is unique to that particular growing area.
Honduras Marcala Comsa
Colombia Valle Del Cauca
Ethiopia Sidamo Nura Korate
Bali Blue Moon
Organic Blends
Just like fine wines, every coffee has one or more unique characteristics that distinguish it from other coffees. Roasters recognize these different characteristics in their beans, & adjust the times & temperatures of their roasts to bring out the best qualities of each type of bean. Though most coffees can stand on their own, the blending of two or more types of beans, or the same bean at different stages of roast, allows roasters to create distinctive, custom-crafted coffees worthy of signature stature.
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